Game Fishing
Warkworth Gamefish Club Inc
The Warkworth Gamefish Club Inc. forms the Sportfishing Division of the Sandspit Yacht Club.
WWGFC has a steady core of around 300 members and is based at the Sandspit Yacht Club in Sandspit.
We run 3 tournaments throughout the year:
– WWGFC One Base at Great Barrier Island in March.
– 10kg Tournament on Queens Birthday Weekend (May/June) based at SYC
– Ladies Only Fishing Event held in November based at SYC.
We also have a Monthly Longest Snapper Competition. Our Records Officer accepts photos of measured fish and catch cards to see who wins the $100 Hunting & Fishing Voucher each month. Members have 30 days post-catch to send in their photo and form to
We have many Trophies up for grabs at our annual AGM and Prizegiving held July/August each year. Our membership Year/Season is from the 1st July to the following 30th June.
The Warkworth Gamefish Club has a weighmaster available on a volunteer basis, in the locations of Great Barrier Island, Matakana, Sandspit, Omaha, Leigh, and Warkworth.
Warkworth Gamefish Club is affiliated to the New Zealand Sport Fishing Council, and members of affiliated clubs have full access to the NZSFC benefits. See for more information.
For more information please visit our website or find us on Facebook.
To join us please click the link to become a member!